Equipment Information
A downloadable tool for Windows
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The plugin adds nodes that provide information about CPU, GPU, RAM and displays.
Target version : UE5.0 ~ 5.5
Target platform : Windows
- Get CPU Info
- Info: Returns all available information about the CPU. For example: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
- Core: Returns number of cores. For example: 8
- Get Specific Info (CPU)
- Info: Requires Info (Get CPU Info).
- Specific Infomation to Received: Select the specific information you want to receive from Specific Info. For example: Compane, Name, Number, Series.
- Specidic Info: Returns specific information depending on the selection of Specific Infomation to Received. For example: Compane - Intel(R), Name -Core(TM), Number -i7, Series -9700K.
- Get GPU Info Name, Number, Name, Number,
- Info: Returns all available information about the GPU. For example: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
- Get Specific Info (GPU)
- Info: Requires Info (Get GPU Info).
- Specific Infomation to Received: Select the specific information you want to receive from Specific Info. For example: Compane, Name, Mark, Model, Minimum Model, Series.
- Specidic Info: Returns specific information depending on the selection of Specific Infomation to Received. For example: Compane - NVIDIA, Name - GeForce, Mark - RTX, Model - 2080, Minimum Model - 2080, Series - 2000.
- Get RAM Info
- Total Physical Memory: Returns total physical memory in GB. For example: 32
- Used Physical Memory: Returns used physical memory in GB. For example: 17,5
- Free Physical Memory: Returns free physical memory in GB. For example: 14,5
- Get Displays Info
- Displays: Returns an array of the "Display Info" structure. The "Display Info" structure contains: String "Name", String "ID", int "Native Width", int "Native Height", int Point "Max Resolution" Structure, bool "Is Primary", int "DPI". For example: Name - AUS2707, ID - MONITOR\AUS2707{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001, Native Width - 2560, Native Height - 1440, Max Resolution - X=1440 Y=1080 , Is Primary - true, DPI - 107
- Max FPS Primary Monitor: Returns Max FPS Primary Monitor. For example: 60
Max Resolution from Get Displays Info returns correct values only in Standalone Game or Cooked Game.
Test done :
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
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